Monday 8 May 2017


    Our soil textural triangle

The deposition of soil into three layers
Calculation for the soil textural triangle

The result showed the soil is loamy soil

Our lab report
         We weight the dried soil that we dried outside of laboratory for a one week. The weight was reduced from 500grams to 402.29 grams so about 97.71 grams weighed is loss. Then we weighed about 20 grams of soil to conduct macronutrient analysis which are Phosphate (PO43-), Sulphate (SO42-) and Nitrate (NO3-). We add about 50ml of distilled water together with the soil sample and mix the solution for 20 minutes by using magnetic stirrer. We left the mixture for 10 minutes. Then we filter the mixture by using 0.45 µm membrane filter paper using vacuum pump. Then we Store in HDPE bottles for macronutrient analysis using the HACH kit.

     Here are the result of macronutrient analysis       
     Reading of Phosphate (PO43-) (490 P React. PV)

1st reading

3.92 mg/L
2nd reading

3.92 mg/l
3rd reading

3.90 mg/L
Average reading

3.91 mg/L

     Reading of Sulfate (SO42-) (680 Sulfate)

1st reading

42 mg/L
2nd reading

42 mg/L
3rd reading

42 mg/L
Average reading

42 mg/L

 Reading of Nitrate (NO3-) (355 N Nitrate HR PP)

1st reading

7.20 mg/L
2nd reading

7.20 mg/L
3rd reading

7.30 mg/L
Average reading

7.23 mg/L


We remained water the  plants 500ml twice a day in the morning and in the evening. We played music each day after water the plants twice a day for 20 minutes. The plants started to grow fastly.

 Not exposed to song
Germination rate : 45%
Average plant’s height: 9.22 cm


Rock metal
Germination rate : 45%
Average plant’s height:  14.5 cm

Germination rate : 45%
Average plant’s height :  11.5 cm

Chinese classic
Germination rate : 55%
Average plant’s height : 12cm

Indian classic
Germination rate :65%
Average plant’s height: 13.5 cm


  1. Can the group post the music selection on the blog?

    Group discussion (insert for next report)

    (1) Why was the soil weight reduce after 1 week?

    (2) What is the optimum soil pH for butterfly pea growth?
    What kind of soil does butterfly pea grows well?

    (3) How does the amount of macronutrients in the current soil use for growing butterfly affect their growth?

  2. Suggestion:

    When the plants are listening to the music, can all the members surround it with a wall like a box. So you block wind.
    Not to confuse either wind is making it moves or the plant itself.

    Refrain from any conversation/noise near the plants when they listen to music.

    1. ok madam we will block the plant from wind and avoid conversation whenever they listen to music
