Sunday 7 May 2017

Group Jicama Week 2

Week 2 lab (soil samples macronutrient analysis)
The soil that has been dried outside of the lab is measured. 
Type of soil: Soil near Tasik FSSA (sandy clay loam)
Weight of wet soil: 500g
Weight of dry soil: 470. 63g
Weight loss: 500g - 470.63g = 29.37g

Nutrient analysis testing with HACH DR2800 Spectrophotometer
Type of soil: Soil near Tasik FSSA (sandy clay loam)
An average weight is calculated from 3 readings.
Nitrate (NO3-)
= (79.1 mg/L + 85.7 mg/L + 85.4 mg/L) /3
= 83.40 mg/L
Phosphate (PO43-)
= (0.72 mg/L + 0.73 mg/L + 0.73 mg/L) /3
= 0.73 mg/L
Sulphate (SO42-)
= (12.0 mg/L + 14.0 mg/L + 14.0 mg/L) /3
= 13.33 mg/L

Plants' progress:
This week, we have reduced the amount of watering to 250 ml per session for each pot, with two sessions per day. (morning and afternoon). All pots are watered everyday. 

Pot 1 ( Date: 6/5/2017), Saturday

Amount of watering: 250 ml per session
Germination rate: 8/12 X 100 = 66.67%
Average plant's height: 
=(9.5+ 8.9+ 10.1+6.2+2.0+7.2+7.3+1.0)cm /8
=6.5 cm

Pot 2 (Date: 6/5/2017), Saturday

Amount of watering: 250 ml per session
Germination rate: 7/12 X 100 = 58.33%
Average plant's height: 
=(8.2+ 5.1+ 2.8+2.6+2.5+1.0+1.0)cm /7
=3.3 cm

Pot 3(Date: 6/5/2017), Saturday

Amount of watering: 250 ml per session
Germination rate: 3/12 X 100 = 25%
Average plant's height: 
=(1.5+3.8+3.8)cm /3
=3.0 cm

Pot 4(Date: 6/5/2017), Saturday

Amount of watering: 250 ml per session
Germination rate: 12/12 X 100 = 100%
Average plant's height: 
2.5 +4.0+7.0)cm / 12
=8.5 cm

Pot 5(Date: 6/5/2017), Saturday

Amount of watering: 250 ml per session
Germination rate: 10/12 X 100 = 83.33%
Average plant's height: 
=(1.0+3.0+1.0+3.0+6.5+7.0+7.0+3.0+5.0+8.5)cm /10
=4.5 cm


  1. Its good that the team has reduce its amount of watering this week.
    If its too wet all the time can inhibit the growth of plant roots or rotted stems.

    This coming Friday can start to reduce the watering as follow:

    Watering routine 1 (Suggestion Pot 3): Your control for this experiment. Water everyday.
    Watering routine 2 (Suggestion Pot 2): 1st and 2nd week water everyday; 3rd and 4th week water alternate days.
    Watering routine 3 (Suggestion Pot 5): 1st and 2nd week water everyday; 3rd and 4th week water twice perweek.
    Watering routine 4 (Suggestion pot 1): 1st and 2nd week water every day; 3rd week water twice perweek; 4th week water once only.
    Watering 5 (Suggestion pot 4): 1st and 2nd week water every day; 3rd week & 4th week water once only.

    For optimum growth of Jicama, how much Nitrate, Phosphorus and Sulphate is needed?

    1. As a legume, jicama is capable of nitrogen fixation. Hence, for optimum growth of Jicama, it only need low amount of nitrate as it encourages excessive foliage(leaves) growth at the expense of the tubers, moderate amount of phosphorus for good drainage and adequate amount of sulphate for efficient nitrogen fixation.

    2. Good research.

      Hope the team can make good conclusion later.

      Don't forget to turn the pots everyday, so the plants all received the same amount of light directly from the sun. Cos several plants growing in the shadow of others.

      (1) What is the optimum soil pH for jicama growth?
      (2) What kind of soil texture makes jicama productive?

    3. The optimum soil pH for Jicama growth is 6.5, and suitable soil texture for Jicama is sandy loam.
