Monday 29 May 2017

Group Jicama Week 4

Week 3 lab ( sieve analysis)

           Table 1 shows the result from sieve analysis performed on sample that was measured to be 394.31g. It can be seen that the forth sieve (125µm) has the highest percent of mass retained which is 30.43% while the lowest is the second sieve (below 63µm) with percent of mass retained is 0.24%. This shows that the soil have high content of 125µm particle size soil as it has the highest percentage of soil mass. Figure 1 shows the sieve analysis based on the sieve size (mm) over the passing percentage (%). The graph shows an overall decreasing trend. In specific, it decrease trend. In specific, it decrease slowly from 2mm sieve to 1mm sieve and sharply decrease from 0.212mm sieve to 0.063mm sieve. Jicama grows best in moist, but well-drained soil. For our soil it has high percentage mass of sand, therefore it is a well-drained soil to grow this type of plant. The soil also not that sandy that can hold enough water for some time before it washes away down as Jicama need to be in a moist condition soil. Our soil are sandy clay loam soil, it is as optimum soil condition as it need for the plant that needs a sandy loam texture of soil.
          The composition of sand varies, depending on the local rock sources and conditions. The second most common type of sand is calcium carbonate. There are plenty of sand particles based on their size, like coarse sand (1mm<X≤500µm), medium sand (500µm<X≤250µm) and fine sand (250µm<X≤125µm). Gravel generally a rock fragments that have a general particle size range and include size classes from granule to boulder-sized fragments. Granular gravel a particle size that can fit between 2mm to 4mm sieve and pebble gravel that can fit between 4mm to 64mm. one cubic metre of gravel typically weighs about 1,800kg. Gravel is an important commercial product as many roadways are surfaces with gravel, especially in rural areas where there is little traffic. Both sand and small gravel are also important for the manufacture of concrete. Then, there is silt particle that have the sieve range between 0.02mm to 0.06mm. This type of texture have high capillarity and very low dry strength. Since silt particle size ranges in between clay and sand thus possessing properties of both sand and clay such as, it shows slight cohesion and also friction. The colour of silty soil is mostly brown. Clay is composed of very fine particles that is less than 0.002mm size. They are flaky in shape, thus having considerable surface area. They also have high inter particle attraction and thus having sufficient cohesion. Other than that, they are susceptible to swelling and shrinkage, and possess low permeability. Commonly brown in colour. Sand is naturally occurring granular material composed of finely divided rock and mineral particles. It is defined rock material composed of finely divided rock and mineral particles. It is defined by size, being finer than gravel and coarse than silt.

          In conclusion, the objectives of this analysis was achieved which is we can know the particle size distribution of the fine aggregates with the coarse and can determine the grain size distribution of soil sample. Our soil are sandy clay loam soil, it is as optimum soil condition as it need for the plant that needs a sandy loam texture of soil and it has the highest percent of mass retained in the fourth sieve (125µm) which is 30.43% while it has the lowest percent in mass retained in the second sieve (below 63µm) which is 0.24%.

Week 4 activity
We have measured every each pot plants weight and length on the 19th May (Friday). No nodules detected. The plants weight measured again after few days. (dry plants weight)

Plant's progress:
This week the amount of watering is also 250 ml per session, with two session in a day(morning and afternoon). However, we have changed the watering for the pots.
Pot 1: Water once only. (Mon)
Pot 2: Water alternate days. (Tues, Thurs, Sat)
Pot 3: Water everyday.
Pot 4:Water once only. (Mon)

Pot 5:Water twice per week. (Mon & Wed)

Pot 1 (Date: 17/05/2017, Wednesday)
Germination rate: 8/12 X 100=66.67%

Average plant's height: 16.3cm

Pot 2(Date: 17/05/2017, Wednesday)

Germination rate: 4/12 X 100= 33.33%
Average plant's height: 11.9cm

Pot 3( Date: 17/05/2017, Wednesday)

Germination rate:3/12 X 100= 25%
Average plant's height: 4 cm

Pot 4 (Date: 17/05/2017,Wednesday)

Germination rate:11/12X 100= 91.67%
Average plant's height: 20.3 cm

Pot 5 (Date: 17/05/2017, Wednesday)

Germination rate: 5/12 X 100= 41.67%
Average plant's height: 11.2 cm

 Research qs will be answered in overall report.

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